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Monografie in archivio: : 8414
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Titolo Autore Data ins. Anno publ. Posizione Codice In prestito
Multiple light scattering, Tables, formulas, and applications, Volume 1 Van De Hulst H.C. 1998-12-15 1980 11/1B 927 no
Die halophanomene in Russland Leyst E. 1998-12-15 1903 14/2C 2893 no
Airborne astronomy symposium on the galactic ecosystem; From gas to stars to dust Haas M.R., Davidson J.A., Erickson E.F. 1998-12-15 1995 16/4D 6150 no
Le systeme du monde, histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic, tome V Duhem P. 1998-12-15 1917 14/7C 1243 no
Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics, volume 12 Burbidge G.R., Layzer D., Phillips J.G. 1998-12-15 1974 16/3D 1361 no
The quantum theory fields, volume I, foundations Weinberg S. 1998-12-15 1995 11/4B 6243 no
The quantum theory of fields, volume II: Modern applications Weinberg S. 1998-12-15 1996 11/4B 6295 no
Elementare theorie der entstehung der gezeiten Muller A. 1998-12-15 1906 11/1C 2894 no
Millesecond pulsars; A decade of surprise Fruchter A.S., Tavani M., Backer D.C. 1998-12-15 1995 16/4D 6154 no
Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics, volume 11 Goldberg L., Layzer D., Phillips J.G. 1998-12-15 1973 16/3D 1360 no